High Speed Standard Separate Slip Ring 24 wire 100M/1000M Ethernet Signals

High Speed Ethernet Slip Rings 100M/1000M Ethernet Signals Description of EH50119-01 Ethernet Slip Ring Senring EH50119-01 series gigabit Ethernet slip ring is an integral precision conductive slip ri

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High Speed Ethernet Slip Rings 100M/1000M Ethernet Signals

Description of EH50119-01 Ethernet Slip Ring

YUMO EH50119-01 series gigabit Ethernet slip ring is an integral precision conductive slip ring that can rotate 360 degrees to transmit a single channel of gigabit Ethernet signal. The slip ring has a hole diameter of 50mm and an outer diameter of 120mm. It can mix transmit 1-58 channels of 2-20A current and mix with other signals such as USB and HDMI.

Features of EH50119-01 Ethernet Slip Ring

1. It has the advantages of stable transmission, no packet loss, no code error, low return loss, and low insertion loss.

2. This product uses a standard RJ45 connector and can be equipped with an RJ45 female connector.

3. It can stably transmit a single channel gigabit Ethernet signal and can transmit up to 8 Ethernet channels simultaneously.

4. It can mix transmit 1-58 channels of power/current/signal. It mainly transmits Ethernet (10M/100M/1000M BaseT), and can also work with current channels or fluid rotary joints.

5.  The slip ring has a hole diameter of 50mm and an outer diameter of 120mm.

6. It uses US military coating technology with an ultra-low BER error rate and an ultra-high signal-to-noise ratio.